Balance Adjustments a.Berserker: Adjusted upgrade effect. 6.Ĝontention of Relics Optimized the overall difficulty of the Contention of Relics. Migration Power Restrictions Removed 5.ěattle Reports a.New Rally/Assist Module b.Replays. 3.Ěrtifacts Players can now use general speedup items and Artifact material speedup items to speed up the production of Artifact materials. Throne of the Supreme Inter-Regional Ranking Rewards: Added Unique Artifact Schematic fragments as rewards. Also increased the chance of obtaining Immortal Fragments when using Ancient Remnants. Legion of Frostborne Legion's Vendor: Removed the purchase limit on Ancient Remnants. c.The Illusion Battlefield special topic will be added to Daily Talks. Participants can only use the Immortals, dragons, and troops provided by the Prime League. b.Fair Game: All participants must preset their units before the competition starts.

Each Alliance cannot take part in both the Prime League and Regular League at the same time. Illusion Battlefield Prime League a.The Prime League is held once per week. Most reviews are written after playing only a day or two because the game nonstop keeps asking for a review. In less than a week I’ve been on my server over half the people have quit. You don’t need to worry about big spenders destroying your fun. There are many other games similar that you can invest your time in and make progress for little money. DO NOT PLAY THIS GAME! I’m saving you time. So while you sleep expect to lose all troops and resources because the 4 hour shield does nothing. Protective barriers (shields) cost $$$ for anything more than 4 hours. Unlike other games, good luck being protected. They start abusing the server and of course unless you are willing to drop $$$$, you stand no chance. Then that is when the whales show up, (Whales= spending $$$$).

Once invested you think well I keep playing because I put some money into it. Offers pop up often for $1-5 to get you in the game and have you invest.

You find an alliance and join like minded players. Like so many games similar to this game, you start off building your kingdom in safety. Unfortunately that now means I can’t expedite any of my tickets ever again( at least until they fix that bug first….not sure how long before they finally review a non-expedited ticket about not being able to expedite my tickets…Irony). But it wouldn’t allow me to, instead I got a pop up warning me that I had only 3 expedited submissions left for the month (which doesn’t make sense, they obviously meant it to say I had zero left). I tried to submit it expedited anyway since I have noticed that they historically do get the number labels switched/incorrect in the game menus. Also, I opened a ticket in the app and it wouldn’t let me expedite it because I had 0/3 chances remaining for the month (I haven’t submitted even one of these in more than a month). And it happens every time with maybe one exception out of a hundred. Now it is 30-60 seconds to get back to what I was doing. In previous versions these actions led to less than a 1 second server reconnection delay which was perfectly acceptable. I have to restart the game app every time I switch screens or turn off the phone display. Normally this game is pretty stable but the last release has some glitches which make it annoying to play.